
Vacation.... Prague!

I've been away visiting with my sister in a far far away land, Czech Republic! I'm back in the swing of things at home now, and ready to share the details! This is my niece, and the funniest photo I've taken in a long time. I cant stop looking at her like this its just ridiculous. My sister has a wicked sense of humor, and this little gal is so used to things like this it didn't even phase her. Yes, there's a girly little girl behind those specs. Cracks me up.

I have a special post coming about the trunk show/ home jewelry show my sister held at her house, and how I nearly paid for my plane ticket with that show. Yes, amazing. A lot of work went into it (mostly for my sister), so I want to share how you can do it too! I have tons of photos of the set-up as well. (coming after my big Twist show!)

Have a great weekend!