
Trunk Show at the Truro Vineyards!


August 30, 2007

Youre invited to visit my two sisters and I selling our handmade artwork, jewelry, and gifts. Have a glass of wine and a fabulous tour of the vineyard too!

The Truro Vineyard is a gorgeous little winery that hides in North Truro, on Cape Cod.
The first seeds were planted in the early 1990's, and it has become one of the treasures on the outer Cape.
Edward Hopper found inspiration here in 1930 and painted the "Rich's House" which still sits as a centerpiece of the vineyard.

Im picturing that we'll be somewhere under that beautiful tree. I feel like I should wear something billowy and speak with a breathy 1940's moviestar tone. Or beach knickers and carrying a basket of grapes on my side. Its going to be a fabulous day!

featured artists: me- popko.etsy.com, my sister-gurlygirl.etsy.com and my other sister who will be opening her etsy shop next spring!



I feel like summer just began. What a whirlwind!
My summertime studio is set up in a tiny room in an itty bitty cottage on the beach with my whole family re: tons of us. Im in full swing but others are starting to wind down for another season.

Its August already?
This looks like a pretty lazy afternoon in front of my house.....but...once a week, this picnic table is covered with cloth, and a big 10 foot tent shelters a CRAFT SALE!
Two of my sisters and I set up out here, flyer the beach and sell our jewelry, lavender, crafts, and all handmade artwork.
One of them is Monique a.k.a. GurlyGirl on Etsy! The other one will be on etsy by the end of the year (you hear that sis!?).