
Handmade with love - AnselBlue for Japan Relief

The tsunami and earthquake in Japan brought us the most heartbreaking news of crisis and fascinating stories of the strong people who endured these disasters.

They need your help, and my local artist friend Sarah has been working tirelessly on fund raising for The American Red Cross for Japan Relief.

Purchase this handmade sparrow ornament called

Little Suzume for $10

100% of the proceeds will be directly donated to the
American Red Cross

“Little Suzume” is a special edition of my flying bird illustration made into a wooden ornament. She stands 3-1/4" tall and is painted white with a red sun and kanji that reads “Help Japan” in black. A white ribbon will be threaded through a small drilled hole on her top wing.
-from Sarah's etsy page

photo by Sarah Platanitis

Sarah has a personal connection to Japan, and you can read her story
in the article she authored and had published today in the newspaper.

Click the image below to read:

Thank you Sarah for helping others! Thank you everyone for donating to the A.R.C. by purchasing a Little Suzume
as a reminder of your generosity and love for Japan.

1 comment:

anselblue design studio said...

Thanks for sharing the word!