Folk tales from various European countries claim that only on the March equinox day, one can balance an egg on its point.
So, I set out to see this for myself. The first time I stood it on end, it tumbled right over. I thought, maybe its because the package has been tilted in the fridge for so long. It MUST stand UP! I tried again, maybe it was an uneven surface, I thought. I moved to the next table. Nothing. Maybe the surface was to slick. I placed it on a cloth and it stayed there for a moment (I was so still and so was working! it was really working! I think I can feel the earths gravitational pull getting lighter!), before rolling right over again. I changed egg colors, from brown to white, surely it was the wrong brand of egg, maybe the next will work. Nope. Roll, roll, roll. Apparently there is also a "perfect time" for this as well. Where I am, it should be 12:57pm.
I will try again at noon.
Oh how I want my egg to stand up!
Here's the photo shoot I had with my eggs.
******Happy Spring******